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Concurrent enrolment in two courses of study


With the entry into force of Law no. 33 of 12 April 2022 and its implementing decree DM 930/2022, simultaneous enrolment in two higher education courses is permitted. The rationale of the law is to give the concrete possibility of attending two different educational courses at the same time in order to enrich the student's cultural background and increase his or her prospects of entering the world of work.

  • simultaneous enrolment in two different bachelor's, master's, single-cycle master's or master's degree courses is permitted, even at more than one university, school or special-order higher education institution;
  • simultaneous enrolment is permitted, provided that the qualification required for access is held, in a Bachelor's or Master's degree course and in a Master's, PhD or non-medical specialisation course;
  • simultaneous enrolment in a PhD or Master's degree course and a medical specialisation course is permitted. For simultaneous enrolment in a PhD course and a medical specialisation course, Article 7 of MD. 226/2021.
  • enrolment in a PhD or master's degree course and a non-medical specialisation course is permitted;
  • enrolment in bachelor's, master's or master's degree courses is permitted, even at several universities, schools or institutes of higher education with special regulations, and in an academic diploma course, Level I or Level II at AFAM institutions, at Italian or Italian and foreign institutions.
  • in the case of enrolment in international study courses leading to the award of double, multiple or joint degrees with foreign universities, and joint degrees awarded in the case of national inter-university study courses, the relevant regulations apply exclusively;

Prerequisites for registration are:

  • possession of the qualification required by the regulations for enrolment in each individual course of study.
  • simultaneous enrolment in two bachelor's or master's degree courses belonging to the same class, even at two different institutions, is prohibited.
  • courses of study must be differentiated for at least two-thirds of the educational activities
  • For courses with compulsory attendance, it is possible to enrol in a second course of study that does not have compulsory attendance, with the exception of courses for which compulsory attendance is only required for laboratory and internship activities.
  • the student has the option of simultaneous enrolment as long as the first enrolment is in order.
  • in the case of enrolment in two courses with a maximum number of places, the person concerned must be placed in a useful position in the rankings for both courses;
  • the second entry is conditional until all requirements have been verified;

A student enrolled at the same time in two study courses (as per Art. 1 and 2 of Law 33/2022) may benefit from total or partial exemption from payment of the all-inclusive annual contribution for both enrolments, if the requirements are met. Other benefits in support of the right to study (e.g. scholarships, accommodation, etc.) are granted for only one of the courses chosen by the student.

More information on benefits

How to apply

If you are already enrolled at this or another university and are enrolling in a second course at Unimore:

During the enrolment procedure you will have to fill in a format called "Additional declarations" in which you can declare whether you are already enrolled in another course of study at this University or at another Academic Institution. If you are not a Unimore student and you wish to enrol in a second course at Unimore, you must attach online (or send by email to the Student secretariat) the study plan of the non-Unimore course.

REMEMBER: if you wish to enrol in a course with programmed access, you must comply with the enrolment deadline laid down in the announcement. Only if you are placed in a useful position in the ranking list will you be able to enrol in the second course.

If you are already enrolled at Unimore and wish to enrol on a second course at another university:

You must fill in the "Contemporary Application Form" (attached here at the bottom) and send it by e-mail to the Unimore Student Secretariat. Remember to use the Unimore student mailbox